Coaching and Mentoring for Success

Personal, Career and Performance Coaching

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse .”

— Jim Rohn


I provide professional performance coaching to individuals committed to achieving their goals or addressing personal challenges—specifically working with clients around career, leadership, starting a new venture, self-confidence, work-life balance, finance, and other areas. I work with my committed clients to gain confidence and clarity and ultimately achieve success in the change they seek.

I am a strong advocate for equality in the workplace, with no tolerance for discrimination regarding equal pay and opportunity. I am a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and follow their best practice and code of ethics. I am trained at the Animas centre for Transformational Coaching.

I have spent over 30 years working in the corporate sector and with small businesses. I now dedicate my time to coaching and mentoring others. As your coach, I will be your accountability partner who will set you up for the success you want.

I use a combination of coaching techniques and appropriate mentoring, bringing to bear my 30+ years successful career.

If you would like to learn more about how coaching can help, click the above button, and I will endeavour to answer your questions.

Looking to develop, grow or change career

Looking to develop your leadership skills or style

Wanting to do something new or change direction

Facing personal challenges impacting your life

Some Areas We Can Work Together.

Career Development

Whether you are looking to develop your career, looking to change jobs or even do something completely different, I can help you identify how best to do it, remove blocking issues and coach you through the process. You may already be successful and new in a role and find your new responsibilities challenging and need an experienced coach to help you be successful.



Being a leader means you are already successful however often comes with stresses and challenges with the unrelenting demands and objectives that come with the role. You may be in a leadership role for the first time and learning that leadership requires a different set of behaviours and skills. Having spent many years working in senior leadership roles, I am very familiar with these challenges. I can provide an external, non-judgemental lens and provide the support to you that will make you even more successful.

Self Confidence

Having self confidence issues can be impact your ability to perform and sometimes lead to procrastination. Most people have these feelings at some point in their life and are often routed in limiting self-beliefs and assumptions. I will work with you to identify these beliefs and assumptions that stop you achieving your goals - modifying them into positive beliefs.


New Venture / Direction

You know you want to do something different but can’t seem to get started through fear, procrastination or something else stopping you - coaching can help root out what is holding you back. For many people wanting change can be at best difficult and at worst overwhelming. Whether it is giving up a job to starting your own business, finding the time to start something new or give up the security you already have - I can help you unearth the real issues holding you back and reframe your thinking to be more positive contributing to successful change.

Work-Life Balance / Stress

An imbalance between work and life can lead to stress, unhappiness, health issues and have significant impact on you, family and friends. Often caused by assumptions that you need to over-work which then cloud the ability to find a way out. I will help you challenge these assumptions which will lead to a better life balance, less stress and happier life.


Financial Goals

Some of us want to be better off, some want to be just financially comfortable and some want to just manage their finances better. As long as you have a clear goal and timeframe, I can coach you to hit your goals. To do this will need you to be committed to making the necessary changes in your life, exploring all the options available to you and any blockers that may get in the way of you achieving your goals. I can not help you “get rich quick'“ but I can help you come up with the realistic plan to reach your financial goals.

Most of us dream of doing something new, different or achieving a goal. Sometimes we know what we want but struggle to get there. We lack lack clarity, motivation or direction. Sometimes we unknowingly put blockers in the way which can lead us to doubt ourselves.

You may have listened to the advice of friends, watched online videos or read lots of business or self-help books and nothing seems to work. That is because friends and family find it hard to be objective and videos and books are too generic and not tailored to you. I can help by providing individual, tailored coaching.

Working collaboratively, we explore all the possible options to move forward and remove barriers and self-beliefs that get in the way.  

Some Client Success Stories


Michelle (22) was working in the marketing function but was getting frustrated that, although she enjoyed the work she did, she didn’t have time to pursue her other passion of doing freelance health and wellbeing work. As a result she had work-life balance issues and felt like quitting her job as she believed her company wouldn’t support her.

After working with Michelle and challenging her assumptions she came up with a host of options to get what she wanted. Not only has her company said that she can work part time, giving her time to develop her own freelance business, but also asked her to run a wellbeing programme. Michelle managed to re-frame her assumptions and ended up with a better outcome.


Jennie (39) was struggling with confidence to move forward with what she needed to do after her father moved into a care home. The formalities and paperwork were overwhelming and every morning she woke up stressed and couldn’t start doing the most simple of tasks. She just continually put things off and procrastinated.

Through coaching she understood that she didn’t need to sort out or understand everything involved at once but just needed to complete the first small task and get a small success. After the first session she accomplished the first task and now feeling confident that she can do what she needs to do. After three sessions she is much happier, doesn’t wake up stressed and making great progress.


James (34) had been working in the same creative role for some time and was becoming increasingly frustrated with the organisation and felt that he could manage it better.

James came asking for help to position himself to take over managing the team he was working in. Through coaching, he understood the need to move away from positioning what was in it for him and demonstrating his frustration towards the value that it would add to the business if he was given the role.

By re-framing his approach and structuring what the benefit would be to his company he was listened to. As a result, James was given the new role.


Tony (28) works for a large IT company and had been stuck working on the same client account for 4 years. He wanted to do something different but didn’t know how to go about it. He had lots of ideas but nothing to move it forward.

After 3 coaching sessions, Tony realised that he was focussing on too many options and not focussing. He decided to focus on one role he really wanted but thought no one would take him seriously. Two further sessions on he formulated a proposition that would add significant value to the business unit he worked in and presented it to his boss and business unit head. Today he is the head of Innovation for the unit - a role that was created for him specifically.

(Names have been changed for confidentially and case studies are a summary of client feedback)


Coaching Prices.

Coaching can carried out over the phone, by Zoom (preferred) or In-person (London only)


Individual Session



6 Session Package



Open Diary Access

£750 per month